Services of PMU library
5. Scientific information services
Scientific information and bibliography department is responsible for services associated with searching and browsing for library materials, teaching information skills and processing bibliographic and bibliometric data.
Scientific information services consist of:
· providing catalogue and bibliographic information,
· providing access to electronic resources,
· assisting in database searching and browsing,
· processing bibliographic and bibliometric data,
· providing access to printer and scanner,
· managing tutorials and classes for individuals and groups of students (library training and scientific medical information).
Scientific information department provides access to study area with 7 computers for registered library users, 4 individual study rooms and separate computer room.
Computers located in PMU library are protected by password given to registered users by librarian on duty.
Computers located in the PMU library are connected to PMU network, therefore may be used to access all digital resources managed by PMU library.
PMU students, Ph.D. students and employees can join PMU network using their own devices via FortiClient VPN. To do so, registered student or employee needs to install the app on a selected device and enter proper proxy settings following this guide.
In case of
any issues regarding databases, online resources or information skills – librarian
on duty is at users’ disposal.