Przegląd sekcji

    • At least 60% of all questions given should be answered correctly in order to pass the test.

      Deadline for the final test's completion is 30th November.

      To log into the  test you have to enter:

      • name, last name
      • student ID number

      Attention: use only Latin letters e.g.: í=I, ø=o, Ó=O, Ö=O, ü=u, æ=ae, Ð=D, ß=ss, ń=n, ś=s

      Two-word name or/and last name - type with space (e.g.: Ann Mary, Smith Wilson).

      If you are having any troubles logging in, please contact Scientific Information Department in PMU Library  ( +48 91 441 44 50; )

      ENTRY to the final test for 1st year students of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin.